Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mid Morning Sanford Hall

Mid Morning Sanford Hall

Oil on Canvas
5 x7 inches
Auburn, Alabama

There is nothing in auburn that has been painted, photographed and drawn as much as Samford Hall. For that reason I have avoided painting it for the years I have lived here. But you can’t help being drawn to it. It is simply a beautiful building and it is instantly recognizable as the unchangeable heart of Auburn.

I decided looking up at it was my best bet. I like looking at things in a way we are not used to. The sky framed the towers and it the building suddenly could have been on the Grand Canal.

It was a difficult piece with all the angles for a small 5”x 7” but the most difficult thing was that I brought nothing to wipe my brushes with. I was all set up and I didn’t want to go back to the studio. I glanced down at my feet and figured that a painting is worth sacrificing a pair of socks for. It was all done by 10:30. You never lost track of time while painting a tower with a clock and chimes in it.

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